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【学术讲座】“聚英萃华”(第二十二场)——Michele Benzi教授

发布人:浏览量: 发布时间:2019-04-17

兰州大学110周年校庆“聚英萃华”萃英学院学术讲座(第二十二场)——Michele Benzi 教授

应萃英学院、数学与统计学院的邀请,意大利比萨高等师范大学的Michele Benzi教授将于4月19日至4月23日来我校访问并作报告,欢迎广大师生参加。

报告题目:A Taste of Networks Science



报告人: Michele Benzi 教授


Michele Benzi,美国埃默里大学Samuel Candler Dobbs教授,意大利比萨高等师范大学教授。研究方向为数值分析、科学计算和数值线性代数及应用。美国工业与应用数学会会士和美国数学学会会士,数学著名奖项豪斯霍尔德奖评奖委员会委员,美国工业与应用数学会会士评选委员会委员;美国工业与应用数学会知名期刊SIAMJ Numer Anal和SIAM J Sci Comput前任编委,SIAMJ Matrix Anal Appl及SpringerBriefs in Mathematics等10多种期刊的现任编委。在普林格出版社出版书籍一本,在高水平国际期刊上发表学术论文100多篇。


Network Science is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary area at the intersection of mathematics, computer science, and a multitude of disciplines from the natural and life sciences to the social sciences and even the humanities. Network analysis methods are now widely used in proteomics, in the study of social networks (both human and animal), in finance, in ecology, in bibliometric studies, in public health, and in a host of other fields. In this talk I will introduce the audience to some of the mathematical and computational problems and methods of complex networks, with an emphasis on the basic notions of centrality and communicability. More specifically, I will describe some of the linear algebra problems and techniques typical of this research area. The talk will require only a modest background in linear algebra, numerical analysis and graph theory.

萃英学院 数学与统计学院


下一篇: 【学术讲座】“聚英萃华”(第二十一场)——黄霖教授

版权所有:兰州大学萃英学院     邮编:730000