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发布人:浏览量: 发布时间:2024-11-21



报告题目:Advances in Ecology and Importance of Ecological Theories in Conservation报告人:纪维红教授

报告时间:2024年11月14、21、28日及12月5日 下午14:30-16:30



纪维红,1984年于兰州大学生物系获学士学位,1987年于西北大学生物系获硕士学位,2001于新西兰奥克兰大学环境科学系获博士学位,2002-2004年在英国约克大学环境科学系进行博士后科研工作。2005-2023年任梅西大学自然科学院副教授。2024年就职于奥克兰大学生命科学院及兰州大学草地农业科技学院,博士生导师。兼任国际学术期刊“Wildlife Research",“Integrative Zoology”和“Grassland Science”编委;兰州大学、甘肃农业大学特聘教授;中国国家自然科学基金重点项目评审人。研究方向为:野生动物行为生态学、人类活动对野生动物种群和行为的影响、以及野生动物与人类的冲突等,已在 Science, Nature, NatureCommunications ,Behavioral Ecology, Functional Ecology,Animal Behaviour等期刊发表论文著作130余篇。


Ecology,the studies on the interaction of organism with their environment, becomes more and more important for conservation of nature and the wellbeing of human societies.Loss of biodiversity and degradation of natural environment, the impact of climate change and impact of environmental degradation are among the major causes of many problems troubling human societies. Such problems are ecological in nature. Restoration of degraded ecosystems has become an important task to reverse human impact on nature. As Edward Wilson, a prominent ecologist predicted: “The next century will, I believe, be the era of restoration in ecology". Ecosystem restoration require sound knowledge on ecological theories and often require multi-disciplinary approach. In this course we will give an overview of terrestrial ecology, its advances, and application to restoration ecology using examples from New Zealand and overseas. I will also share the techniques of scientific writing targeting journals of high impact.


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