兰州大学110周年校庆“聚英萃华”萃英学院学术讲座(第四十七场)——Ching Lin PANG教授
应兰州大学萃英学院、文学院邀请,比利时鲁汶大学和安特卫普大学Ching Lin PANG(彭静莲)教授来我校作“丝路审美文化融通”系列学术讲座。
主讲人:Ching Lin PANG(彭静莲)
题 目:Square dancing as Common Aesthetics
时 间:2019年10月31日(星期四)14:30-16:00
地 点:兰州大学城关校区西区观云楼813
专家简介:Ching Lin PANG, female, Belgian, born in 1963, Ph.D. in anthropology, currently working at Katholiek Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, is a professor of the Center for Intercultural, Immigration, and Ethnic Minorities of the Faculty of Social Sciences, and also the University of Antwerp Director of the Chinese Department of Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies.n 1996 She received a doctorate in anthropology from the University of Louvain in Belgium.Since 2006, She has taught at the Katholiek Universiteit Leuven, Faculty of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Belgian School of Social Sciences, and served as Deputy Chairperson of the Belgian Dutch Holman Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee, Member of the International Urban Anthropological Committee of the Belgian Antwerp, Hong Kong. Honorary Committee Member of the University Anthropology Center (2010), Academic Committee Member of the Huazhou Research Center of Tsinghua University (2010), Co-director of the European Cultural Research Center of East China Normal University, Leuven University, Belgium, and Director of Yunnan Department of Buddhist and Intercultural Studies (2017 to date).
彭静莲(Ching Lin PANG),女,比利时人,1963年生,人类学博士,现任职于比利时(荷语)鲁汶大学(Katholiek Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)社会科学学院跨文化、移民与少数族裔中心教授,比利时安特卫普大学(University of Antwerp)应用语言学与翻译研究系汉语部主任。1996年获得比利时(荷语)鲁汶大学人类学博士学位。从2006年至今,在比利时(荷语)鲁汶大学社会科学学院社会与文化人类学系任教,并担任比利时荷语大区文化遗产咨询委员会副主席,国际都市人类学委比利时安特卫员会委员,香港大学人类学中心荣誉委员(2010),清华大学华商研究中心学术委员(2010)、比利时(荷语)鲁汶大学-华东师范大学欧洲文化研究中心联合主任、佛教与跨文化研究云南部主任(2017至今)。
萃英学院 文学院