应萃英学院邀请,新加坡国立大学物理系王学森(Wang Xuesen)副教授将于5月29日来我院学术交流并做学术报告,欢迎广大师生届时参加!
报告人:王学森(Wang Xuesen)博士
时间: 2019年5月29日9:00
Dr. WANG Xuesen (王学森博士) is an associate professor in the Department of Physics, National University of Singapore. He received BSc degree from Fudan University, and PhD in physics from University of Maryland, USA. He worked as a post-doctor at Univ. of California, Santa Barbara and Univ. of Minnesota, and as an assistant professor at HKUST before joining National Univ of Singapore in 2001. His education and research are mostly on surface science, thin film, nanoscience & nanotechnology.
In modern world, science is no longer just the business of scientists. Because of its great success in providing knowledge about the nature and life, and the enormous penetration of technology developed based on science in our social, economic and daily lives, science and technology are important affairs in our society. On the other hand, science is not an endeavor of scientists working in isolation today. The scientific community has expanded tremendously since 1950, and it is seeking huge financial and other support from governments, industry, and the public. Properly informed government officials and citizens must be aware of the limitations of science and scientists. The healthy social dynamics within the scientific community is also essential to its adequate function. Issues like conflict of interest, public nature of science versus intellectual property rights, misconducts and frauds in scientific research need to be identified and dealt with. In addition, for the benefit of the whole society, scientific community should lead the public in the fighting against pseudoscience, and anti-science, and play a crucial role in resolving various urgent scientific and technological issues related to the sustainable development of society.