应兰州大学萃英学院邀请,兰州大学校友;美国全球环境可持续发展(GIESD at Yale, 简称耶鲁积世德)研究所所长宋雅杰教授来我校作学术讲座,欢迎全校师生参加!
宋雅杰教授,毕业于兰州大学本科,耶鲁大学硕士及博士,曾担任耶鲁大学博士后,助理研究员,副研究员、研究员,是耶鲁在中国三明“林业社区股份和承包(SHIFT)探讨”,深圳“城市环境危机管理(UECM)研究”,钦州“广义城市生态创新(IUEI)”等多项合作研发项目首席科学家。宋博士是清华-耶鲁“环境与可持续发展中国市长培训(ESDLP)”,“联合国环境署-同济亚太未来领导人环境促可持续发展培训(AP ESD)“等项目共同发起或合伙创建人,现任美国全球环境可持续发展(GIESD at Yale, 简称耶鲁积世德)研究所所长,资深研究员, 从事生态、环境与教育等领域研究,先后担任兰州大学、清华大学、天津大学,南京信息工程大学,沈阳大学,塔里木大学等中国大学的客座教授,出任UNEP、UNDP,世界银行等国际组织专家或顾问,多年来为推动中美研发、环境、生态与教育交流做出贡献。
Professor Yajie Song graduated from Lanzhou University and received his Masters and PhD from Yale. He once worked as a researcher,associated researcher, Assistant Researcher and Post Doctorin Yele. . Dr.Song initiated several Yale’s leading researches in China such as “Share HoldingIntegrated Forestry Tenure or (SHIFT 1989-2007)” in Fujian , “Collaborative Urban Environmental Crisis Management (UECM2005-2012) Research”in Shenzhen, “Interdisciplinary Urban Ecosystem Innovation, IUEI” in Qinzhou, and co-founded Yale-Tsinghua Environment & Sustainable Development, ESDLP”, UNEP-Tongji Asia Pacific Environment for Sustainable Development Leadership, AP ESD”etc. As the Founderand Senior Research Scholarof Global Institute on Environment for Sustainable Development (GIESD ), he has been focusing on ecosystem ecology, environment and education, and intermittently served as Adjunct Professor at several Chinese universities such as Lanzhou, Tsinghua,Tianjin,Nanjing, Shenyang and Tarlm Universityetc. Dr. Song has also been the expert for UNEP, UNDP, World Bank and other global institutions, dedicating to US-Sino R&D in the areas of ecology, education and environment as well.