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发布人:傅丽萍 浏览量: 发布时间:2012-07-06


时间: 7月4日下午2:30-3:30


题目1:Complex Networks: Controllability and Control of Catastrophic Dynamics

摘要:Controlling complex networks is relevant to many areas of science and engineering, and has the potential to generate technological break- throughs as well. The speaker will discuss three topics: (1) optimizing network controllability by structural perturbations, (2) energy required for controlling complex networks, and (3) mitigating/preventing large-scale cascading failures on complex networks by 'soft' control strategies that preserve the network structure. The first two topics are recent results in the framework of controllability of complex networks with linear dynamics. (Controllability of complex networks with nonlinear dynamics is an unsolved problem at the present.)

时间: 7月5日下午10:30-11:30


题目2:Chaos-Based Quantum Control

摘要:Control of quantum systems is a field of fundamental importance with significant applications in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Most existing works focused on control or manipulation at the single-atom or single-molecule level by using lasers. The speaker will address how classical chaos may be exploited to control the collective or statistical behavior of quantum systems. Two examples will be presented to illustrate the basic principle of chaos-based quantum control: modulating quantum transport in nanostructures and regularizing relativistic quantum tunneling in Dirac fermion and graphene systems.

This is joint work with Liang Huang (LanDa and ASU), Xuan Ni (ASU), Rui Yang (formerly at ASU), Louis M. Pecora (NRL), and Celso Grebogi (Univ. Aberdeen, UK).

报告人简介:来颖诚教授于1982年和1985年分别获得浙江大学光学工程系学士和硕士学位;于1989年和1992年分别获得美国马里兰大学物理系非线性科学硕士和博士学位,师承Celso Grebogi教授, James A. Yorke教授和Edward Ott教授。1992到1994年间在约翰霍普金斯大学生物医学工程系做博士后研究。1994年到堪萨斯大学物理系和数学系任教。1999年到亚利桑那州立大学电子工程系和数学系任教,2001年晋升为教授。现为亚利桑那州立大学电子、计算机和能源工程学院及物理系教授,并为英国阿伯丁大学 “六世纪”(因该校建校六百年)讲座教授,新加坡国立大学访问教授,浙江大学“光彪”讲座教授。于1997年获得美国国家基金委Faculty Career奖,并由于“在激光传播中的混沌效应的杰出创新性理论研究”于该年11月3日在白宫获得了该年度总统青年成就奖(Presidential Early Career Award)。于1999年由于在“非线性动力学和混沌领域的诸多贡献”入选美国物理协会理事(Fellow)。2003年获NSF ITR Award。现为《欧洲物理快报》的联席主编(Co-Editor);《中国物理前沿》编委,《数学生命科学及工程》的联席主编。研究领域包括非线性动力学和混沌,统计物理和复杂系统,纳米结构中的量子输运,低维材料的特性计算,生物物理,信号处理等。在这些领域发表期刊论文300余篇,书籍章节及会议论文30多篇,引用7300余次,H-指数44。其中《Physical Review Letters》上34篇,《Physics Reports》两篇。专著一部:Ying-Cheng Lai and Tamas Tel, Transient Chaos (Springer, 2011)。近5年来在全世界应邀学术报告、讲座60多次。

上一篇:学术报告:数学学科“萃英”讲座——What is the Chinese postman doing in the mazes of the imperial gardens......

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