应萃英学院执行院长龙瑞军教授邀请,联合国大学(United Nations University)的Liang博士来我院进行学术交流并做宣讲,主要介绍联合国大学硕士、博士课程及申请,专业文理科都有,请无课程安排的同学参加,也欢迎其他感兴趣的师生参加!硕士、博士课程介绍见附件一,其他硕士课程介绍见附件二。
宣讲地点:萃英学院 观云楼813报告厅
The United Nations University (UNU), established in 1973, is the academic and research arm of the United Nations. It is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, with diplomatic status as a UN institution. Since 2010, UNU has been authorized by the UN General Assembly to grant degrees. It also provides a bridge between the UN and the international academic, policy-making and private sector communities.
附件一:UNU 2013_brochure.pdf.pdf
附件二:UNU 2013_brochure.pdf.pdf