报告题目:30 years of US experience

报告人简介:栾升教授系加州大学伯克利分校教授,国际植物学领域的著名学者。1991年在哈佛大学细胞与发育生物学系获博士学位,1991-1994年在哈佛大学化学系从事博士后研究,1995年至今在加州大学伯克利分校植物与微生物学系先后任助理教授、副教授和教授。栾升教授在植物生物化学和分子生物研究方面造诣颇深,研究内容涉及植物细胞膜系统信号受体蛋白、第二信使系统、蛋白激酶及蛋白磷酸化酶、离子通道蛋白和转运蛋白等基因的功能鉴定。曾获杜邦生物技术奖、NASA/DOE/NSF青年学者奖。在《Nature》、《PNAS》、《Plant Journal》
●1978-1982 学士,青岛农业大学
●1982-1985 硕士,中国科学院
●1986-1991 博士,哈佛大学
●1991-1994 博士后,哈佛大学
●1995-2000 助理教授,加州大学伯克利分校
●2000-2004 副教授,加州大学伯克利分校
●2004至今 教授,加州大学伯克利分校
●2006至今 Molecular Plant (Cell Press),主编
●2005至今 Plant Signaling and Behavior (Landes Bioscience),副编辑
●2005至今 US Department of Agriculture,经费评审专家小组成员
●2001至今 The National Science Foundation,经费评审专家小组成员
●2006-2013 Cell Research, Nature Publishing Group,编辑委员会
●2008-2011 Plant Cell and Environment,副编辑
●2004-2008 Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,编辑
●1999-2005 Plant Physiology,编辑
●2012 当选美国科学促进会会士(AAAS)
●2008 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation高级研究奖
●2008 Charles Albert Shull Award,American Society of Plant Biologists
●1997-1999 Industry-University Liaison in Biotechnology,杜邦奖
●1992-1994 The Irvington Institute for Medical Research,博士后奖学金
●1991-1992 Glaxo Inc,博士后奖学金
●1990-1991 Rockefeller Foundation,攻读博士之前奖学金
●1986-1990 The K.C.Wong Education Foundation,攻读博士之前奖学金
1. Liu J, Yang L, Luan M, Wang Y, Zhang C, Zhang B, Shi J, Zhao FG, Lan W,Luan S.(2015) A vacuolar phosphate transporter essential for phosphate homeostasis in Arabidopsis.PNAS.112:E6571-8.
2. Tang RJ, Zhao FG, Garcia VJ, Kleist TJ, Yang L, Zhang HX,LuanS.(2015) Tonoplast CBL-CIPK calcium signaling network regulates magnesium homeostasis in Arabidopsis.PNAS.112(10):3134-9.
3. Hou X, Fu A, Garcia VJ, Buchanan BB,LuanS.(2015) PSB27: A thylakoid protein enabling Arabidopsisto adapt to changing light intensity.PNAS.112(5):1613-8.
4. Tian W, Hou C, Ren Z, Pan Y, Jia J, Zhang H, Bai F, Zhang P, Zhu H, He Y, Luo S, Li L,LuanS.(2015) A molecular pathway for CO₂response in Arabidopsisguard cells.Nat Commun.20;6:6057.
5. Mao D, Chen J, Tian L, Liu Z, Yang L, Tang R, Li J, Lu C, Yang Y, Shi J, Chen L, Li D,Luan S(2014) Arabidopsis Transporter MGT6 Mediates Magnesium Uptake and Is Required for Growth under Magnesium Limitation.Plant Cell26(5):2234-2248.
6. Che Y, Fu A, Hou X, McDonald K, Buchanan BB, Huang W,Luan S(2013) C-terminal processing of reaction center protein D1 is essential for the function and assembly of photosystem II in Arabidopsis.PNAS.110(40):16247-52.
7. Yu F, Qian L, Nibau C, Duan Q, Kita D, Levasseur K, Li X, Lu C, Li H, Hou C, Li L, Buchanan BB, Chen L, Cheung AY, Li D,Luan S. (2012) FERONIA receptor kinase pathway suppresses abscisic acid signaling in Arabidopsis by activating ABI2 phosphatase.PNAS.109(36):14693-8.
8. Vasudevan D, Fu A,Luan S, Swaminathan K. (2012) Crystal structure of Arabidopsis cyclophilin38 reveals a previously uncharacterized immunophilin fold and a possible autoinhibitory mechanism.Plant Cell24, 2666-74.
9. Meng L, Buchanan BB, Feldman LJ,Luan S. (2012) CLE-like (CLEL) peptides control the pattern of root growth and lateral root development in Arabidopsis.PNAS.109, 1760-5.
10. Lan WZ, Wang W, Wang SM, Li LG, Buchanan BB, Lin HX, Gao JP, andLuan S. (2010) A rice high-affinity potassium transporter (HKT) conceals a calcium-permeable cationchannel.PNAS.107, 7089-94.
11. Lee SC, Lan W, Buchanan BB, andLuan S(2009) A protein kinase-phosphatase pair interacts with an ion channel to regulate ABA signaling in plant guard cells.PNAS.106, 21419-24.
12. Dominguez-Solis JR, He Z, Lima A, Ting J, Buchanan BB, andLuan S. (2008) A cyclophilin links redox and light signals to cysteine biosynthesis and stress responses in chloroplasts.PNAS.105(42):16386-91.
13. Li, L., Liu, K., Li, D., andLuan, S. (2008) Single mutations convert an outward rectifier into an inward rectifier: implications in voltage sensing and evolution of shaker-type K-channels.PNAS.105(8):2871-6.
14. Pandey GK, Cheong YH, Kim BG, Grant JJ, Li L, andLuan, S. (2007) CIPK9: a calcium sensor-interacting protein kinase required for low-potassium tolerance in Arabidopsis.Cell Res.17, 411-421.
15. Lee, S., Lan, W., Kim, B., Li, L., Buchanan, B.B., andLuan, S. (2007) A protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation network regulates a plant potassium channel.PNAS.104, 15959-15964.
16. Li, H., He, Z., Lu, G., Alonso, J., Ecker, J., andLuan, S. (2007) A WD-40 domain cyclophilin interacts with histone H3 and regulates organogenesis and gene silencing in Arabidopsis.Plant Cell19, 2403-2416.
17. Fu, A., He, Z., Lima, A., Buchanan, B.B., andLuan, S. (2007) A chloroplast cyclophilin functions in the assembly and stability of photosystem II supercomplex in Arabidopsis.PNAS.104, 15947-15952.
18. Ren, Z., Li, L., et al.,Luan, S. and Lin, H. (2005) A rice quantitative trait locus encode a sodium transporter.Nature Genetics37, 1141-1146.
19. Gupta, R., Ting, T., Sokolov, L., Johnson, S.J., andLuan, S. (2002) AtPTEN1, a tumor suppressor homologue essential for pollen development in Arabidopsis.Plant Cell14, 2495--2507.
20. Gupta, R., He, Z., andLuan, S. (2002) Functional relationship of cytochrome c6 and plastocyanin in Arabidopsis.Nature417, 567-571.
21. Shi, J., Kim, N., Gupta, R.,Luan, S.*, and Kudla, J. (1999) Novel protein kinases as common targets for Arabidopsis calcineurin B-like Ca2+ sensors.Plant Cell11, 2393-2406. *corresponding author
22. Luan, S., and Schreiber, S.L. (1994) pCyP B: a chloroplast-localized, heat shockresponsive cyclophilin from fava bean.Plant Cell6, 885-892.
23. Luan, S., and Bogorad, L. (1992) A rice gene promoter contains separate cis-acting elements for the expression in dicot and monocot plants.Plant Cell4, 971-981.
24. Luan, S., and Bogorad, L. (1989) Nucleotide sequences of two genes encoding the light harvesting chlorophyll a-b binding protein of rice.Nucleic Acids Res.17, 2357-2358.