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乔治亚州立大学Geert de Vries萃英学院学术报告

发布人: 浏览量: 发布时间:2017-04-24


应萃英学院邀请,乔治亚州立大学Geert de Vries教授来我院作学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加。

报告题目:Sex Differences in the Brain: A Whole Body Perspective



报告人:Prof .Geert de Vries

报告人简介:Geert de Vries is a Professor and Director of the Neuroscience Institute at Georgia State University (GSU). De Vries joined GSU in 2012, leaving a long-standing position at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, where he directed the Center for Neuroendocrine Studies and an NIH-funded Training Program in Neuroendocrinology. He is Past President of the organization for the Study of Sex Differences as well as Past President of the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology. He chaired Theme E, Homeostatic and Neuroendocrine Systems, for the Society for Neuroscience and organized the 9th World Congress of Neurohypophysial Hormones. He served on numerous NSF and NIH panels and recently served as a member of the Advisory Board of CIHR’s Institute of Gender and Health. Ever since discovering the sexually dimorphic nature of vasopressin innervation of the brain as a graduate student, De Vries has studied the development and function of sex differences in the brain. This culminated in proposing the overarching idea that such differences cause as well as prevent sex differences in physiology and behavior. He also demonstrated that differences in vasopressin innervation depend on gonadal hormones as well as on direct sex chromosomal effects. Finally, his lab has traced the origin of vasopressin innervation in the rodent brain.



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